Department U – 4-H Livestock

Entry Requirements

  1. Contestants must have met all the requirements for this department in order to be able to participate in show and contests.
  2. Contestants must be enrolled in Navajo County 4-H, FFA or a members of a breed association to participate in this department.
  3. Entry forms due on August 31, 2018. Entry fees vary by division.
  4. All entry forms must be signed by the appropriate official: Ag Education Instructor, 4-H Leader or Parent for Breed Members.
  5. All Department U entries are due Tuesday, September 11, 2018, between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
  6. All Department U Awards will be given on Saturday, September 15, 2018, at 11:30 a.m.

Premiums: First: $5; Second $2; Third: $1

Sub-Classes for Department U

  • 1. Junior, 9 – 13 on 12/31/17
  • 2. Senior, 14 – 19 on 12/31/17

Division 3251 – Livestock Judging Contest

Entry Fee $5.00 per 4-person team

A total of six classes of cattle, swine, sheep and goats will be judged. Each class will consist of four animals. This will be a walk through contest. Contestants will have ten minutes to place animals in each class. Scores are given on placings, questions and oral reasons. Oral reason will be given on at least one class, which may have performance data. Using notes is discouraged when giving oral reasons.

Division 3252 – Livestock Poster Contest

Entry Fee $1.00 per poster

General Rules

  1. Posters are due Tuesday, September 11, 2018, between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
  2. Posters become the property of the Navajo County Fair and are not returned. Posters may qualify to go on to the Arizona State Fair.
  3. You must use the Department U Entry Form in the fair book to enter the contest. The entry form is due by August 31, 2018.
  4. Each poster MUST have the Poster Contest Identification Sheet filled out completely and PRINTED legibly. The sheet must be taped/glued on the back of each poster entry. The sheet MUST be signed by the 4-H club leader or FFA chapter advisor. Posters will be disqualified for awards unless all information is on the poster. This form is available on the Navajo County Fair website or at the fair office.
  5. Posters will be displayed around the livestock areas of the Navajo County Fair.
  6. Posters are judged according to their relationship to the livestock industry and the purpose of the topic to animal science with regards to the educational content, clarity, neatness and originality of the poster message.
  7. The poster contest is open to all active 4-H and FFA members in good standing.
  8. Contestants may enter one poster per class.
  9. Posters are to be made on 22” x 28” regular hard board or on triple fold boards to create a quality education experience. Educational information may only be exhibited on one side of the poster.
  10. Posters can be entered in a specific category or in open if the topic covers more than one species.


  1. General Livestock or Small Stock
  2. Sheep Only
  3. Goats Only
  4. Swine Only
  5. Beef Only

Division 3253 – Livestock Skill-A-Thon

Entry Fee $2.00 per individual; $5.00 per 4-person team

The Skill-A-Thon is a hands-on competition that rewards outstanding young people who possess the skills and knowledge essential for efficient and humane production of livestock in a seed-stock or commercial operation.

Open to any 4-H and FFA members, the contest provides the opportunity for youth to apply their knowledge to a variety of topics related to the production and management of beef cattle, swine, sheep and meat goats. Rotations and categories that will be utilized will be posted 24 hours prior to the start of the contest.

General Rules

  1. Entry in the Livestock competition is not required.
  2. This contest is for both individual and team contestants.
  3. Each division will consist of individual and team rotations. The divisions are required to complete the following:
    a) Junior – two (2) team rotations and three (3) individual rotations
    b) Senior – two (2) team rotations and three (3) individual rotations plus a quiz
  4. Individual rotations include: Livestock Equipment, Feedstuff Identification, Breeds of Livestock, Retail Cuts of Meat, Hay Judging and Wool Judging.
  5. Tea, rotations include: Quality Assurance, Meat Carcass Evaluation, Animal Breeding Exercise, Livestock Evaluation, Livestock Feeding and Performance.

Division 3254 – N.C.F. Premier Exhibitor

To recognize the superior Junior and Senior Show Exhibitor of every species on an annual basis. Recognition is emphasized based on the Exhibitor excelling (within the current year only) in a variety of programs and is not necessarily based upon how the animal(s) places exclusively. The program will take into account Breeding and Market Livestock recognition as well as other categories of participation at the Navajo County Fair. All Livestock and Small Stock exhibitors will be considered for this contest and points will be added as contests are completed. There is no entry for this division, however you MUST participate in the Department U categories to get recognized.

Award recognition categories

  • Jr. and Sr. Beef Cattle
  • Jr. and Sr. Sheep
  • Jr. and Sr. Swine
  • Jr. and Sr. Goat